Why can’t I just use my neighbor kid to walk my dog or pet sit?
It’s easy to let my dog out or take my pup for a walk. It’s not that difficult, is it?
Why would anybody actually hire a professional to care for their pets? You mean there are real dog walking or pet sitting businesses? Is there that much of a demand for pet care?
Sure, your neighbor kid can walk your dog or feed the cat. And maybe this is a good option for something occurring on a very infrequent basis. However, if your dog really needs regular and consistent dog walks or your small pets need care while you are away, it is always better to hire a professional dog walker and pet sitter.
Here are some key things to look for in a pet sitting company:
•Full-time company with a track record of satisfied customers.
•Company with proven longevity.
•Staff that is fully-covered bonded and with insurance.
•Employee sitters vs Independent Contractors.
•Pet-sitting secure software for easy payment and scheduling.
•Communicates timely.
•Genuinely cares about giving you and your pets the best service.
•Systems in place for emergency situations.
•Supports local communities and animal refuges and shelters.
•Team of sitters to guarantee full coverage for your service.
•They must be reliable.
•Warm, friendly sitters who truly enjoy being with your pets.
My recommendation is that any company you interview should be able to answer YES to all the above questions.
There are many “hobby” pet sitters available on the market but they will answer NO to most, if not all, of the above questions.
At At Home Pet Care, LLC we want to ensure you have peace of mind for the piece of your heart. We want to be the perfect match for you and your beloved pets. We take very seriously the duty of caring for your pet-children. We LOVE our job! We provide the highest quality of care while still keeping our prices very affordable.